What Happened To Katy?
Hey Guyzzz
Im so sorry I have been M.I.A
for the last month or so.
But a ton of things have been happening
and I really have not had the time to write.
One of the major things that are happening
I have decided to open up
my own online store.
I can not describe how excited I am!!!
It's always been a dream and to see it slowly
become reality is just amazing.
I can not wait till its up and running.
So your your probably wondering
what the name of my store is?
Is called Fiabesco Le Chic
Im in the process of setting up the
website and all the other things that
go with setting up an online store.
But for now it would mean so
much if you followed my store
on instagram.
Our name on instagram is @fiabescolechic
Another exciting thing that is happening is
that I'm heading to Singapore.
For the first time.
In about two weeks for about week,
to do a short course in Pastry.
Im really excited.
Im also going to be travelling alone
for the first time, so that just
makes this trip even more exciting.
I will defiantly try to blog while im there.
Well that's all for now,
Ill probably be posting something up
later this week. So keep an eye out for that.
In the mean time you can follow me on
my personal instagram account its @katyygblogs
Stay safe my lovelies.
Lotz of love
Katyy G
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