The Liebster Award

Hey there, how's it going?
Ahhhh the weekends nearly over, 
It just feels like it barely started? 

Anyhow, a few weeks ago I received an email saying I 
was nominated for The Liebster Award by Sabina. 

So what is The Liebster Award ?

Liebster is a German word for beloved. 

The award is given to up and coming bloggers. 
Its a great way to discover new bloggers. 
In a million years, I never expected to be nominated 
for a blog award as I have just started blogging. 
So receiving the nomination from Sabina was a 
pleasant surprise. A shout out to Sabina and also 
do check out her blog Lifestyle.Studying.Fashion 

The rules for the Liebster Award:

1. Acknowledge the blogger that 

nominated you by linking back to their blog. 
If you want you can also display the Liebster Award Button on your blog. The button can be found in this post.

2. Answer eleven questions that
 have been given to you. 

3. Give eleven random facts about yourself.

4. Nominate eleven blogs you think deserve

the award. Try and make sure
they have 200 followers or less. 

5. Let the blogger know you have 

nominated them.

6. Give them eleven questions to answer.

Below are the questions Sabina asked 

as well as the eleven random facts about myself. 

1. What is your go-to outfit for a casual day?
My go to outfit for a casual day is 
leggings with a cute tee and 
sneakers and for jewelry chunky bracelets.

2. How tall are you?
Im  5ft4, im the shortest in my family :P

3. What is your favourite colour?
My favorite colour is turquoise. 
It reminds me of the ocean.

4. Do you have any pets? 
If not, what pet would you keep?
I have 5 dogs, and 5 koi fish :) 

5. What do you see looking out 
of your window right now?
I see lots of greenery and a road. 

6. Which movie could you watch 
over and over and never get bored of?
Hrmmm, I actually have a few but ill just give you two 

7. What is your guilty pleasure?
Hmmmm, right now that would be my love for stationary, 
as weird as it sounds i could spend hours in a stationary or arts and craft shop and not get bored :D  

8. How old were you when you first managed 
to reach the light switch (and turn it on)?
Hahahaha, I have no idea. Probably 4 or 5. 

9. What is the best prank you ever pulled off?
Oh man, i really have no idea. I don't think I have really pranked anyone or at least that I remember of :(

10. Would you rather have a room that 
is impossible to tidy, or one that is 
perfect but has a smell that never goes away?
I cant stand it when my room is untidy but then again 
wouldn't want room that is smelly either. 
This is a tough one?
I guess it would depend on what smell it is? 

11. What is number 1 on your wish list right now?
Right now the number 1 thing on my wish list is a 
Mac Book Pro and a new camera :) 
AND yes I know that's two things :P

Here are 11 random facts about me :)

1. I was born in Malaysia but
spent most of life in Australia.

2. My attention span is worse than a 5 year olds: P

3. When I was younger I was
involved in quite a few after school activities.
I did, jazz,ballet,speech and drama,
voice lessons, piano, and swimming.
Just to name a few :)

4. I’m an extremely shy person.

5. I love to travel

6.  I am very indecisive and
I change my mind all the time.

7. I hate insects, all of them!!!

8. I love writing.
One of the many reasons 
I started this blog.

9. Love the beach.

10. Im obsessed with sunsets.

11. I'm allergic to dust :(

I nominate:
10. Jack 

MY Questions :)

1. Who is your biggest inspiration?
2. If you could try any job for a day, what would it be?
3. Are you more of a cat or dog person?
4. if you could go back in time and change 
one thing about yourself, what would it be?
5. What is the one thing you 
want to do but don't dare?
6. What is your best beauty secret?
7. Do you live by any philosophy or motto?
8. What makes you nervous?
9. What is one thing on your bucket list?
10. What is your greatest achievement?
11. What was the most embarrassing 
moment in your life? 

As always thank you so much for reading :) 
If you have any suggestions for my next post, 
please do comment below :) 

So until next time.....
Lotsa Love <3 


  1. Hey Kaitlyn! I finally got around your questions! Check it out :)

    1. Hey, Sandra :)
      Thank you for taking the time to do the post.
      I love the way you write your post.
      Keep it up! :)

  2. Heyy
    That would be lovely.
    I have already followed you :)

  3. Heyyy vanessa
    Thank you your so sweet :)
    I'm so glad you like my blog
    I have already followed you :)
    love your blog ❤

  4. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Btw,I'm also on Instagram,maybe you like my account?
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)


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